Pleme (taksonomija)

The various levels of the scientific classification system.životdomencarstvorazdeo/tipklasaredfamilijarodvrsta
The various levels of the scientific classification system.

Biološka klasifikacija osam glavnih taksonomskih rangova.

U biologiji, pleme je taksonomski rang između familije i roda.[1][2] Ono se ponekad deli u podplemena.

Primeri plemena su Caprinae, Acalypheae, Hominini, bumbari, i Antidesmeae.

Vidi još


  1. „International Code of Botanical Nomenclature Online, Vienna Code, articles 2 and 3”. 2008. 
  2. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Fourth Edition izd.). International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, XXIX. 1999. str. 306. 


  • International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Fourth Edition izd.). International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, XXIX. 1999. str. 306. 
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