But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes

But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes je humoristični roman američke književnice Anita Loos izdan 1927. Predstavlja nastavak njenog romana Gentlemen Prefer Blondes iz 1925. Glavna protagonistica je Dorothy, najbolja prijateljica Lorelei, junakinje prethodnog romana; radnja prati njen život u New Yorku gdje se pokušava probiti na Broadway.

Loos je roman, kao i prethodni, originalno objavila u nastavcima u časopisu Harper's Bazaar. Prema vlastitim riječima, Loos je namjeravala odustati od spisateljske karijere i otputovati u Evropu, ali ju je časopis nagovorio da napiše nastavak. Roman većina kritičara smatra slabijim u odnosu na prethodni.

Godine 1955. je snimljen muzički film Gentlemen Marry Brunettes, koji je u nekim najosnovnijim motivima temeljen na romanu.

Vanjske veze

  • Anita Loos
  • Gentlemen Marry Brunettes
  • p
  • r
  • u
Anita Loos
  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes: The Intimate Diary of A Professional Lady. (1926)
  • But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes (1928)
Broadwayske predstave
  • Happy Birthday (1946)
  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1949)
  • Gigi (1951)
  • Chéri (1959)
  • My Baby (1912)
  • The Musketeers of Pig Alley (1912)
  • The New York Hat (1912)
  • The Mistake (1913)
  • The Telephone Girl and the Lady (1913)
  • Billy's Rival (1914)
  • The Girl in the Shack (1914)
  • The Hunchback (1914)
  • Stranded (1916/I)
  • His Picture in the Papers (1916)
  • The Children Pay (1916)
  • A Daughter of the Poor (1917)
  • Reaching for the Moon (1917)
  • Wild and Woolly (1917)
  • The Isle of Conquest (1919)
  • Mama's Affair (1921)
  • The Struggle (1931)
  • Red-Headed Woman (1932)
  • The Barbarian (1933)
  • San Francisco (1936)
  • They Met in Bombay (1941)
  • Producers' Showcase "Happy Birthday" (1956)
  • Red Hot Romance (1922)
  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1928)
  • Hold Your Man (1933)
  • The Girl from Missouri (1934; original)
  • Riffraff (1936)
  • Saratoga (1937)
  • The Women (1939)
  • Susan and God (1940)
  • Blossoms in the Dust (1941)
  • When Ladies Meet (1941)
  • I Married an Angel (1942)
  • Nell's Eugenic Wedding (1914)
  • American Aristocracy (1916)
  • Woman's Place (1921)
  • Midnight Mary (1933)
  • Saratoga (1937)
Adaptacije romana
  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1928)
  • Gentlemen Marry Brunettes (1955)
  • The Americano (1916)
  • Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916)
  • The Mystery of the Leaping Fish (1916)
  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1928)
Rani scenariji
  • The Sisters (1914/I)
  • The Americano (1916)
  • The Lost House (1915)
  • Macbeth (1916; međutitlovi)
  • The Branded Woman (1920; adaptacija)
  • Red Hot Romance (1922; izvršni producent)
  • Blondie of the Follies (1932; dijalozi)
  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953; predstava)
Izvan špice
  • The Cat and the Fiddle (1934)
  • The Cowboy and the Lady (1938)
  • Another Thin Man (1939)
  • Babes in Arms (1939)
  • Strange Cargo (1940)
  • A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945)