Richard Tarnas

Richard Tarnas
Richard Tarnas
Nascimento 21 de fevereiro de 1950
Nacionalidade suíça
Ocupação professor e psicólogo
Pensamento Integral
Pensadores Históricos:
  • Sri Aurobindo
  • Mira Alfassa
  • Jean Gebser
  • Haridas Chaudhuri
  • Indra Sen
Pensadores Contemporâneos:
  • Allan Combs
  • Sean Esbjörn-Hargens
  • Ashok Gangadean
  • Ervin László
  • George Leonard
  • Steve McIntosh
  • Michael Murphy
  • Richard Tarnas
  • William Irwin Thompson
  • Ken Wilber
  • Brian Swimme
  • Yasuhiko Kimura
  • Michael E. Zimmerman
  • Cal. Inst. of Integral Studies
  • Integral Institute
Esta caixa:
  • ver
  • discutir
  • editar

Richard Tarnas (Genebra, 21 de fevereiro de 1950), é um historiador cultural e astrólogo conhecido por seus livros The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View e Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View. Tarnas é professor de filosofia e psicologia no Instituto de Estudos Integrais da Califórnia e é o diretor fundador de seu programa de pós-graduação em Filosofia, Cosmologia e Consciência.[1][2][3][4][5]


Por Tarnas


  • LSD psychotherapy, theoretical implications for the study of psychology, 1976[6]
  • Birth and rebirth: LSD, psychoanalysis, and spiritual enlightenment[7][8]
  • The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View, 1991; Ballantine (ISBN 0-345-36809-6)
  • Prometheus the Awakener: An Essay on the Archetypal Meaning of the Planet Uranus, 1995; Spring Publications, Woodstock, CT (ISBN 0-882-14221-6)
  • Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View, 2006; Viking (ISBN 0-670-03292-1)


  • "Uranus and Prometheus" Spring, 1983
  • "The Transfiguration of the Western Mind in Philosophy and the Human Future" Cross currents ISSN 0011-1953, 1989, vol. 39, no3, pp. 258–280 Association for Religion and Intellectual Life, New Rochelle, NY
  • "The Transfiguration of the Western Mind" ReVision, 1990
  • "The Masculine Mind" Only Connect: Soil, Soul and Society, 1990
  • "The Western Mind at the Threshold," The Quest, Summer 1993 (também publicado em Re-vision, Vol. 16, 1993)
  • "The Western World View: Past, Present And Future" in R. E. Di Carlo (Ed.), Towards a New World View: Conversations at the Leading Edge., 1996
  • "The Great Initiation", Noetic Sciences Review, Vol. 47, Winter 1998
  • "A new birth in freedom: A (p)review of Jorge Ferrer's Revisioning transpersonal theory: A participatory vision of human spirituality" Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2001
  • R Tarnas, E Laszlo, S Gablik, "The Cosmic World-How We Participate in Thee and Thou in Us" Revision 2001
  • Foreword to Revisioning Transpersonal Theory by Jorge Ferrer, 2002; SUNY
  • "Two Suitors: A Parable" ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness 2007 Heldref Publications
  • "The modern self and our planetary future: a participatory view" symposium De Binnenkant van Duurzaamheid 2008
  • "The Planets" Theoretical Foundations of Archetypal Cosmology, 2009 -
  • "The Ideal and the Real" Theoretical Foundations of Archetypal Cosmology 2009
  • "World Transits 2000–2020"


  • Tarnas, Richard; Pacifica Graduate Institute (2006). Jung, Cosmology, and the Transformation of the Modern Self (DVD). Santa Barbara, Calif.: Depth Video. OCLC 642056090. Recorded at Pacifica Graduate Institute on April 8–9, 2006. 

Sobre Tarnas

  • Sean M. Kelly, "The Rebirth of Wisdom" Review of The Passion of the Western Mind by Richard Tarnas The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal pp. 33–44


  1. Tarnas, Richard (1977). «LSD psychotherapy, theoretical implications for the study of psychology» (em English). OCLC 22708046. Consultado em 21 de agosto de 2022  !CS1 manut: Língua não reconhecida (link)
  2. «LSD psychotherapy: Theoretical implications for the study of psychology - ProQuest». Consultado em 21 de agosto de 2022 
  3. Jeffrey Kripal, Esalen: America and the religion of no religion, 265, 378 University of Chicago Press, 2007 ISBN 0-226-45369-3, ISBN 978-0-226-45369-9
  4. Jeffrey Kripal, Esalen: America and the religion of no religion, 378 University of Chicago Press, 2007 ISBN 0-226-45369-3, ISBN 978-0-226-45369-9
  5. «Faculty - Philosophy, Cosmology, Consciousness». (em inglês). Consultado em 21 de agosto de 2022 
  6. WorldCat Arquivado em outubro 3, 2016, no Wayback Machine
  7. WorldCat Arquivado em março 7, 2016, no Wayback Machine
  8. Arquivado em abril 19, 2016, no Wayback Machine

Ligações externas

O Commons possui imagens e outros ficheiros sobre Richard Tarnas
  • Richard Tarnas - California Institute of Integral Studies
  • Cosmos and Psyche website
  • California Institute of Integral Studies graduate program in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness
  • A Review of Richard Tarnas's "The Transformation of the Cosmos
  • Epilogue to The Passion of the Western Mind
  • Understanding Our Moment in History: uma entrevista com Richard Tarnas por Scott London
  • The Enchanted Universe Entrevista por Shelley Ackerman, believenet
  • An Interview with Richard Tarnas por Ray Grasse Reimpresso de The Mountain Astrologer, edição #124, dezembro/janeiro de 2006
  • "Afterword" de Prometheus the Awakener de Tarnas
  • An Introduction to Archetypal Astrological Analysis por Tarnas
  • Radio interview CBC program "Tapestry"
  • "O universo inteligente: a natureza está tentando mudar nossas mentes?" por Alice Klein Now Magazine 17–24 de abril de 2008 Vol 27 No 33