

Winged-Edgeデータ構造ではネットワークが明示的に結び付けられているため、面、辺、頂点間を高速にトラバースすることができる。This rich form of specifying an unstructured grid is in contrast to simpler specifications of polygon meshes such as a node and element list, or the implied connectivity of a regular grid.


ここにWinged-Edgeを表現するのに適したデータ構造を載せる。"WE"という略称は"Winged Edge"を表わす。

class WE_Edge {
  WE_Vertex vert1, vert2;
  WE_Face aFace, bFace;
  WE_Edge aPrev, aNext, bPrev, bNext; // 時計回り
  WE_EdgeDataObject data;
class WE_Vertex {
  List<WE_Edge> edges;
  WE_VertexDataObject data;
class WE_Face {
  List<WE_Edge> edges;
  WE_FaceDataObject data;


  • en:Quad-edge data structure
  • en:Combinatorial maps
  • en:Doubly connected edge list
  • en:Doubly linked face list


The Nature of Subdivision Modeling/Winged Edge Topology
  • Bruce G. Baumgart. 1972. Winged Edge Polyhedron Representation.. Technical Report. Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
  • Bruce G. Baumgart. 1975. A polyhedron representation for computer vision. In Proceedings of the May 19-22, 1975, national computer conference and exposition (AFIPS '75). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 589-596. DOI=10.1145/1499949.1500071 ( Winged Edge Polyhedron Representation for Computer Vision )
  • The Winged-Edge Data Structure, on Michigan Technological University
  • Winged Edge, on university of Pisa