Luettelo Laibachin kappaleista

Tämä on luettelo Laibachin kappaleista. Kappaleet ovat levyiltä Let It Be, Kapital, NATO, Jesus Christ Superstars, WAT, Anthems ja Volk, joskaan listalla ei ole kaikkia kyseisten levyjen kappaleita.selvennä

  • "Achtung!"
  • "America"
  • "Anglia"
  • "Anti-Semitism"
  • "Das Spiel ist aus"
  • "Decade Null"
  • "Deus ex Machina"
  • "Država"
  • "Du Bist Unser"
  • "España"
  • "Everlasting in Union"
  • "Francia"
  • "Germania"
  • "Hell: Symmetry"
  • "Hymn to the Black Sun"
  • "Italia"
  • "Nippon"
  • "Now You Will Pay"
  • "NSK"
  • "Regime of Coincidence, State of Gravity"
  • "Rossiya"
  • "Satanic Versus"
  • "Slovania"
  • "Sponsored by Mars"
  • "Tanz mit Laibach"
  • "The Hunter's Funeral Procession"
  • "Türkiye"
  • "Vaticanae"
  • "WAT"
  • "White Law"
  • "Wirtschaft ist Tot"
  • "Yisrā’el"
  • "Young Europa, Pt. 1-10"
  • "Zhōnghuá"


Suluissa alkuperäinen esittäjä.

  • "2525" (Zager and Evans)
  • "Across the Universe" (The Beatles)
  • "Alle Gegen Alle" (D.A.F.)
  • "B Mashina" (Siddharta)
  • "Dig a Pony" (The Beatles)
  • "Dig It" (The Beatles)
  • "Dogs of War" (Pink Floyd)
  • "For You Blue" (Moondog, nimi lainattu The Beatlesin kappaleelta)
  • "Geburt einer Nation" (Queen, kappaleen nimenä oli One Vision)
  • "Get Back" (The Beatles)
  • "God is God" (Juno Reactor)
  • "I Me Mine" (The Beatles)
  • "In the Army Now" (Bolland & Bolland)
  • "I've Got a Feeling" (The Beatles)
  • "Jesus Christ Superstar" (Tim Rice & Lloyd Webber)
  • "Life is Life" (Opus, kappaleen nimenä oli Live Is Life)
  • "Maggie Mae" (kansanlaulu)
  • "Mama Leone" (Bino)
  • "Mars on River Drina" (Stanislav Binički, kappaleen alkuperäinen nimi on March on River Drina)
  • "National Reservation" (Paul Revere and the Raiders)
  • "One After 909" (The Beatles)
  • "Sympathy for the Devil" (The Rolling Stones)
  • "The Cross" (Prince)
  • "The Final Countdown" (Europe)
  • "The Long and Winding Road" (The Beatles)
  • "Two of Us" (The Beatles)
  • "War" (Edwin Starr)