The Celtic Song

The Celtic Song

The Celtic Song (euskaraz: «Zelta Abestia») Eskoziako Glasgow hiriko Celtic Park estadioan Glasgow Celtic etxeko taldea zelairatzen denean megafonian jartzen duten abestia da.

Klubaren ereserkia ofiziala da, nahiz eta zaletuek beste abesti batzuk abestu, tartean, eta batzuk nahiago ere izan, izan ere, ereserki ez ofiziala eta zaletuek gehiago abestua dena, Celtic Symphony da, eta You'll Never Walk Alone abestiak ere onarpen handia du.

Doinua 1879ko Gilbert eta Sullivan antzerkigileen The Pirates of Penzance (Penzanceko Piratak) opera komikoaren "With cat-like tread" ("Katu oinatzekin") doinuaren zati baten moldaketa da, hitzak berriz, 1917ko Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here (Agur, Agur, Talde Osoa Hemen Da) estatubatuar abesti herrikoiaren hitzen moldaketa dira.

Abesti honen bertsio ugari daude, baina jatorrizko lehenbiziko aldiz 1961ean Glen Daly eskoziar abeslari eta plazagizonak Celtic Park estadioan abestu zuen.


Sure it's a grand old team to play for,
Sure it's a grand old team bedad,
When you read its history,
It's enough to make your heart grow sad,
God bless them.

We don't care if we win, lose or draw,
Darn the hair do we care,
Because we only know that there's going to be a show,
And the Glasgow Celtic will be there.

Sure it's the best darn team in Scotland,
And the players all are grand,
We support the Celtic,
As they are the finest in the land we love them,
We'll be there to give the Bhoys a cheer
When the league flag flies,
And it cheers us up when we know the Scottish Cup,
Is coming home to rest at Paradise.

Sure it's a grand old team to play for,
Yes it's a grand old team bedad,
When we read its history,
It's enough to make your heart grow sad,
God bless them.
We don't care if we win lose or draw,
Darn the hair do we care,
Because we only know that there's going to be a show,
And the Glasgow Celtic will be there,
And the Glasgow Celtic will be there.

Terraza eta tabernetako bertsioa [1]

Hail Hail the Celts Are Here

Hail Hail, the Celts are here,
What the hell do we care,
What the hell do we care,
Hail Hail, the Celts are here,
What the hell do we care now.

For it's a grand old team to play for,
For it's a grand old team to see,
And if you know the history,
It's enough to make your heart go,
GO-OH-OH-OH! {or, F*** the Rangers!}

We don't care what the animals say,
What the hell do we care,
For all we know,
Is that there's going to be a show,
And the Glasgow Celtic will be there.


  1. .

Kanpo estekak

  • Celtic Song abestiaren bertsio ofiziala entzungai. (Ingelesez)
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  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q7721853
  • Wd Datuak: Q7721853