Timeline of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Middle Ages

  • 15 August 1219: Autocephaly of the Serbian Church (Archbishopric).
  • January 1235: Death of Saint Sava.
  • 1253: Seat moved from Žiča to Peć.
  • 16 April 1346: Elevation to Patriarchate.
  • 1463: de facto abolishment of Serbian Church, under Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Early Modern period

  • 1557: Restoration of autocephaly.
  • 1594: Burning of St. Sava's relics.
  • 1691: Establishment of the Metropolitanate of Karlovci
  • 1766: Abolishment of the Patriarchate by the Ottoman government.
  • 1766: Establishment of the Metropolitanate of Belgrade.

Modern period

  • 1848: Elevation to Patriarchate of Karlovci.
  • 1879: Official autocephaly in Serbia after international recognition.
  • 1920: Unification of the Serbian Orthodox Church (Serbian Patriarchate).
  • 1945–80s: Suppression of Church by Communist regime.
  • 1967: Unilateral establishment of the Macedonian Orthodox Church.
  • 1993: Uncanonical establishment of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church.