Spotted-winged fruit bat

Species of bat

Spotted-winged fruit bat
Conservation status

Least Concern  (IUCN 3.1)[1]
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Chiroptera
Family: Pteropodidae
Genus: Balionycteris
B. maculata
Binomial name
Balionycteris maculata
(Thomas, 1893)
Spotted-winged fruit bat range

The spotted-winged fruit bat (Balionycteris maculata) is the smallest megabat in the world. It inhabits forests in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.


Spotted-winged fruit bats are unusually small megabats, with a head-body length of 5.2 to 6.2 centimetres (2.0 to 2.4 in),[2] a wingspan of 28 centimetres (11 in), and an adult body weight of around 13 grams (0.46 oz). Most of the head and body are covered in thick blackish-brown fur, while the underparts are a pale grey-brown. Their wings are dark brown, with distinctive pale cream spots, which are most noticeable on the joints, but are also found in a variable pattern across the wing membranes.[3] The wings have been reported to have an aspect ratio of 5.8 and a wing loading of 9.51 N/m2.[4]

There are also pale markings in front of the large eyes, and on the ears, which are simple in shape, compared with those of microbats. The nostrils are elongated, and splayed to the side of the snout. The species can be distinguished from other small fruit bats by the presence of the spots on its wings, but also by its unusual dental formula of[3]

Distribution and habitat

Spotted-winged fruit bats inhabit primary rain forest up to 1,500 metres (4,900 ft) elevation, and coastal mangrove forests. They are found across Malaysia and Brunei, and in the northern and western parts of the island of Borneo in Indonesia.[1] At the edges of their range, they have also been reported from Trang Province in southern Thailand, from a small area in Sumatra, and from the Riau Archipelago.[1] No subspecies are known.[3]

Behaviour and biology

Spotted-winged fruit bats forage in the understory of dense forest[4] where they feed on a range of generally small, inconspicuous fruit, such as figs and persimmon, and on some insects and spiders. They spend the day roosting alone or in small groups consisting of a male and up to nine females and their young. Rather than remaining with a single male, females may visit up to three different males. Males return regularly to their roosts during the night, suggesting that they gain access to females by controlling and defending prime roosting sites.[5]

They forage as individuals, rather than in a group, and rarely travel more than 1 kilometre (0.6 mi) from their roost site. They have been observed to make high-pitched "peep" noises when foraging, as well as more complex series of sounds when socialising. Roosts are of a consistent shape and size, and may be partially excavated by the bats, a behaviour that is otherwise unknown in this group of animals. They are generally located in the root masses of epiphytic plants, such as ferns, and also in the nests of ants and termites.[5]

Females give birth to a single young up to twice a year, typically between June and January. The young are born blind, and weighing around 3.5 grams (0.12 oz), after a gestation of 135 days. They are weaned by 40–80 days, and are able to fly by the time they have reached 5 grams (0.18 oz) in weight. Females are sexually mature at ten months of age.[3]


  1. ^ a b c Bates, P.; Bumrungsri, S.; Suyanto, A.; Francis, C.; Kingston, T.; Tan, P. (2021). "Balionycteris maculata". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2021: e.T84454322A22030208. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-1.RLTS.T84454322A22030208.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  2. ^ Shepherd, Chris R.; Loretta Ann, Shepherd (2012). A Naturalist's Guide to the Mammals of Southeast Asia. Wiltshire, UK: John Beaufoy Publishing. p. 20. ISBN 978-1-906780-71-5.
  3. ^ a b c d Hodgkison, Robert; Kunz, Thomas H. (2006). "Balionycteris maculata". Mammalian Species (793): 1–3. doi:10.1644/793.1.
  4. ^ a b Hodgkison, R.; et al. (2004). "Habitat structure, wing morphology, and the vertical stratification of Malaysian fruit bats (Megachiroptera, Pteropodidae)". Journal of Tropical Ecology. 20 (6): 667–673. doi:10.1017/S0266467404001737. S2CID 49389740.
  5. ^ a b Hodgkison, R.; et al. (2003). "Roosting ecology and social organization of the spotted-winged fruit bat, Balionycteris maculata (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae), in a Malaysian lowland dipterocarp forest". Journal of Tropical Ecology. 19 (6): 667–676. doi:10.1017/S0266467403006060. S2CID 49388480.
  • ARKive - images and movies of the spotted-winged fruit bat (Balionycteris maculata)
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Extant species of family Pteropodidae
Subfamily Nyctimeninae
(tube-nosed fruit bats)
  • Broad-striped tube-nosed fruit bat (N. aello)
  • Common tube-nosed fruit bat (N. albiventer)
  • Pallas's tube-nosed bat (N. cephalotes)
  • Mountain tube-nosed fruit bat (N. certans)
  • Round-eared tube-nosed fruit bat (N. cyclotis)
  • Dragon tube-nosed fruit bat (N. draconilla)
  • Keast's tube-nosed fruit bat (N. keasti)
  • Island tube-nosed fruit bat (N. major)
  • Malaita tube-nosed fruit bat (N. malaitensis)
  • Demonic tube-nosed fruit bat (N. masalai)
  • Lesser tube-nosed bat (N. minutus)
  • Philippine tube-nosed fruit bat (N. rabori)
  • Eastern tube-nosed Bat (N. robinsoni)
  • Umboi tube-nosed fruit bat (N. vizcaccia)
  • Lesser tube-nosed fruit bat (P. raptor)
  • Steadfast tube-nosed fruit bat (P. tenax)
Subfamily Cynopterinae
(Pygmy fruit bats)
  • Borneo fruit bat (A. aequalis)
  • Pygmy fruit bat (A. alecto)
  • Mindanao pygmy fruit bat (A. paucidentata)
  • Black-capped fruit bat (C. melanocephalus)
(Dog-faced fruit bats)
  • Lesser short-nosed fruit bat (C. brachyotis)
  • Horsfield's fruit bat (C. horsfieldii)
  • Peters's fruit bat (C. luzoniensis)
  • Minute fruit bat (C. minutus)
  • Nusatenggara short-nosed fruit bat (C. nusatenggara)
  • Greater short-nosed fruit bat (C. sphinx)
  • Indonesian short-nosed fruit bat (C. titthaecheilus)
(Dayak fruit bats)
  • Brooks's dyak fruit bat (D. brooksi)
  • Rickart's dyak fruit bat (D. rickarti)
  • Dayak fruit bat (D. spadiceus)
  • Fischer's pygmy fruit bat (H. fischeri)
  • Salim Ali's fruit bat (L. salimalii)
  • Tailless fruit bat (M. ecaudatus)
  • Javan tailless fruit bat (M. kusnotoi)
  • Ratanaworabhan's fruit bat (M. niphanae)
  • White-collared fruit bat (M. wetmorei)
  • Luzon fruit bat (O. cartilagonodus)
  • Dusky fruit bat (P. lucasi)
(Musky fruit bats)
  • Greater musky fruit bat (P. jagori)
  • Lesser musky fruit bat (P. minor)
  • Blanford's fruit bat (S. blanfordi)
  • Bulmer's fruit bat (A. bulmerae)
(Bare-backed fruit bats)
  • Andersen's naked-backed fruit bat (D. anderseni)
  • Beaufort's naked-backed fruit bat (D. beauforti)
  • Philippine naked-backed fruit bat (D. chapmani)
  • Halmahera naked-backed fruit bat (D. crenulata)
  • Biak naked-backed fruit bat (D. emersa)
  • Sulawesi naked-backed fruit bat (D. exoleta)
  • Solomon's naked-backed fruit bat (D. inermis)
  • Lesser naked-backed fruit bat (D. minor)
  • Moluccan naked-backed fruit bat (D. moluccensis)
  • Panniet naked-backed fruit bat (D. pannietensis)
  • Western naked-backed fruit bat (D. peronii)
  • New Britain naked-backed fruit bat (D. praedatrix)
  • Greenish naked-backed fruit bat (D. viridis)
  • Sulawesi harpy fruit bat (H. celebensis)
  • Harpy fruit bat (H. whiteheadi)
Subfamily Macroglossinae
(Long-tongued fruit bats)
  • Long-tongued nectar bat (M. minimus)
  • Long-tongued fruit bat (M. sobrinus)
  • Fardoulis's blossom bat (M. fardoulisi)
  • Black-bellied fruit bat (M. melanops)
  • Woodford's fruit bat (M. woodfordi)
(Long-tailed fruit bats)
  • Long-tailed fruit bat (N. macdonaldi)
  • New Caledonia blossom bat (N. neocaledonica)
(blossom bats)
  • Common blossom bat (S. australis)
  • Halmahera blossom bat (S. carolinae)
  • Moss-forest blossom bat (S. hobbit)
Subfamily Pteropodinae
  • Sulawesi flying fox (A. celebensis)
  • Talaud flying fox (A. humilis)
  • Giant golden-crowned flying fox (A. jubatus)
  • Palawan fruit bat (A. leucotis)
  • Sunda flying fox (A. mackloti)
  • White-winged flying fox (D. leucopterus)
  • Small white-winged flying fox (D. microleucopterus)
(Straw-coloured fruit bats)
  • Madagascan fruit bat (E. dupreanum)
  • Straw-coloured fruit bat (E. helvum)
  • Fijian monkey-faced Bat (M. acrodonta)
  • Small-toothed fruit bat (N. frosti)
  • Bougainville monkey-faced Bat (P. anceps)
  • Guadalcanal monkey-faced Bat (P. atrata)
  • Greater monkey-faced Bat (P. flanneryi)
  • Montane monkey-faced Bat (P. pulchra)
  • New Georgian monkey-faced Bat (P. taki)
(flying foxes)
  • Admiralty flying fox (P. admiralitatum)
  • Aldabra flying fox (P. aldabrensis)
  • Black flying fox (P. alecto)
  • Small Samoan flying fox (P. allenorum)
  • Vanuatu flying fox (P. anetianus)
  • Aru flying fox (P. aruensis)
  • Ashy-headed flying fox (P. caniceps)
  • Bismarck masked flying fox (P. capistratus)
  • Moluccan flying fox (P. chrysoproctus)
  • Makira flying fox (P. cognatus)
  • Spectacled flying fox (P. conspicillatus)
  • Large Samoan flying fox (P. coxi)
  • Ryukyu flying fox (P. dasymallus)
  • New Ireland masked flying fox (P. ennisae)
  • Nicobar flying fox (P. faunulus)
  • Banks flying fox (P. fundatus)
  • Gilliard's flying fox (P. gilliardorum)
  • Gray flying fox (P. griseus)
  • Ontong Java flying fox (P. howensis)
  • Small flying fox (P. hypomelanus)
  • Andersen's flying fox (P. intermedius)
  • Kei flying fox (P. keyensis)
  • Livingstone's fruit bat (P. livingstonii)
  • Lombok flying fox (P. lombocensis)
  • Okinawa flying fox (P. loochoensis)
  • Lyle's flying fox (P. lylei)
  • Big-eared flying fox (P. macrotis)
  • Lesser flying fox (P. mahaganus)
  • Mariana fruit bat (P. mariannus)
  • Indian flying fox (P. medius)
  • Black-bearded flying fox (P. melanopogon)
  • Black-eared flying fox (P. melanotus)
  • Caroline flying fox (P. molossinus)
  • Great flying fox (P. neohibernicus)
  • Mauritian flying fox (P. niger)
  • Temotu flying fox (P. nitendiensis)
  • Ceram fruit bat (P. ocularis)
  • Ornate flying fox (P. ornatus)
  • P. pelagicus
  • Pelew flying fox (P. pelewensis)
  • Masked flying fox (P. personatus)
  • Geelvink Bay flying fox (P. pohlei)
  • Grey-headed flying fox (P. poliocephalus)
  • Bonin flying fox (P. pselaphon)
  • Little golden-mantled flying fox (P. pumilus)
  • Solomons flying fox (P. rayneri)
  • Rennell flying fox (P. rennelli)
  • Rodrigues flying fox (P. rodricensis)
  • Madagascan flying fox (P. rufus)
  • Samoa flying fox (P. samoensis)
  • Little red flying fox (P. scapulatus)
  • Seychelles fruit bat (P. seychellensis)
  • Philippine gray flying fox (P. speciosus)
  • Temminck's flying fox (P. temminckii)
  • Insular flying fox (P. tonganus)
  • Vanikoro flying fox (P. tuberculatus)
  • Kosrae flying fox (P. ualanus)
  • Large flying fox (P. vampyrus)
  • New Caledonia flying fox (P. vetulus)
  • Pemba flying fox (P. voeltzkowi)
  • Dwarf flying fox (P. woodfordi)
  • Mindoro stripe-faced fruit bat (S. mindorensis)
  • Sulawesi stripe-faced fruit bat (S. wallacei)
Subfamily Rousettinae
(Dawn fruit bats)
  • Greater nectar bat (E. major)
  • Cave nectar bat (E. spelaea)
  • Philippine dawn bat (E. robusta)
(rousette fruit bats)
  • Subgenus Boneia: Manado fruit bat (R. bidens)
  • Subgenus Rousettus: Geoffroy's rousette (R. amplexicaudatus)
  • Sulawesi rousette (R. celebensis)
  • Egyptian rousette (R. aegyptiacus)
  • Leschenault's rousette (R. leschenaulti)
  • Linduan Rousette (R. linduensis)
  • Comoro rousette (R. obliviosus)
  • Bare-backed rousette (R. spinalatus)
  • Subgenus Stenonycteris: Long-haired rousette (R. lanosus)
  • Madagascan rousette (R. madagascariensis)
Subfamily Epomophorinae
(Epauleted fruit bats)
  • Angolan epauletted fruit bat (E. angolensis)
  • Ansell's epauletted fruit bat (E. anselli)
  • Peters's epauletted fruit bat (E. crypturus)
  • Gambian epauletted fruit bat (E. gambianus)
  • Lesser Angolan epauletted fruit bat (E. grandis)
  • Ethiopian epauletted fruit bat (E. labiatus)
  • East African epauletted fruit bat (E. minimus)
  • Minor epauletted fruit bat (E. minor)
  • Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat (E. wahlbergi)
(Epauleted bats)
  • Buettikofer's epauletted fruit bat (E. buettikoferi)
  • Dobson's fruit bat (E. dobsoni)
  • Franquet's epauletted fruit bat (E. franqueti)
  • Hammer-headed Bat (H. monstrosus)
(Dwarf epauleted bats)
  • Hayman's dwarf epauletted fruit bat (M. intermedius)
  • Peters' dwarf epauletted fruit bat (M. pusillus)
  • Veldkamp's dwarf epauletted fruit bat (N. veldkampii)
  • Angolan rousette (L. angolensis)
  • Azagnyi fruit bat (M. azagnyi)
  • Woermann's bat (M. woermanni)
(Little collared fruit bats)
  • São Tomé collared fruit bat (M. brachycephala)
  • East African little collared fruit bat (M. relicta)
  • Little collared fruit bat (M. torquata)
  • D'Anchieta's fruit bat (P. anchietae)
  • Short-palated fruit bat (C. argynnis)
  • Campo-Ma’an fruit bat (C. campomaanensis)
  • Pohle's fruit bat (C. ophiodon)
  • Zenker's fruit bat (S. zenkeri)
Taxon identifiers
Balionycteris maculata
Cynopterus maculatus