Political divisions of Karafuto Prefecture

Between 1905 and 1945, the Japanese Empire administered the southern half of Sakhalin, using the name Karafuto (樺太). The area was designated a chō (), the same term given to Hokkaidō at the time. It is commonly referred to as Karafuto Prefecture in English. The prefecture was divided into 4 subprefectures (支廳, shichō), which in turn were subdivided into 11 districts, in turn divided into 41 municipalities (1 city, 13 towns, and 27 villages)

List of municipalities of Karafuto Prefecture

Karafuto Prefecture with 4 subprefectures, namely Toyohara, Maoka, Esutoru and Shikuka. Toyohara City was also a part of Toyohara Subprefecture.

Prefectural capital: Toyohara

  • The data is as of 1945.
  • Some municipalities had multiple possible readings. 敷香, for instance, was read Shikuka, Shisuka, or Shikika, depending on sources.
  • All Kanji names are in Shinjitai, a modern form which was not used when the prefecture existed. The Kyūjitai names used when the prefecture existed are listed in parentheses.
  • The list shows the current Russian names in parentheses. However, Russian divisions do not match with Japanese divisions. These names just roughly overlap with central towns.

Toyohara Subprefecture 豊原支庁 (豐原支廳)

Subprefectural capital: Toyohara

  • Ōtomari District, alternatively Ōdomari 大泊郡
    • Chitose Village 千歳村 (千歲村, Tret'ya Pad)
    • Fukami Village 深海村 (深海村, Prigorodnoye)
    • Nagahama Village 長浜村 (長濱村, Ozyorskoye)
    • Ōtomari Town, alternatively Ōdomari 大泊町 (Korsakov)
    • Shiretoko Village 知床村 (Novikovo)
    • Tōbuchi Village 遠淵村 (Murav'yovo)
    • Tomuna Village 富内村 (富內村, Okhotskoye)
  • Rūtaka District, alternatively Rutaka 留多加郡
    • Notoro Village 能登呂村 (Kirillovo)
    • Rūtaka Town, alternatively Rutaka 留多加町 (Aniva)
    • Sango Village 三郷村 (三鄕村, Taranay)
  • Toyohara City 豊原市 (豐原市, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk)
  • Toyosakae District 豊栄郡 (豐榮郡, Vysokoye)
    • Kawakami Village 川上村 (Sinegorsk)
    • Ochiai Town 落合町 (Dolinsk)
    • Sakaehama Village 栄浜村 (榮濱村, Starodubskoye)
    • Shiranui Village 白縫村 (Vzmorye)
    • Toyokita Village 豊北村 (豐北村, Lugovoye)

Maoka Subprefecture 真岡支庁 (眞岡支廳)

Subprefectural capital: Maoka

  • Honto District 本斗郡
  • Maoka District 真岡郡 (眞岡郡)
    • Hirochi Village 広地村 (廣地村, Pravda)
    • Konotoro Village 小能登呂村 (Kostromskoye)
    • Maoka Town 真岡町 (眞岡町, Kholmsk)
    • Noda Town 野田町 (Chekhovo)
    • Randomari Village 蘭泊村 (Yablochny)
    • Shimizu Village 清水村 (淸水村, Chaplakovo)
  • Tomarioru District 泊居郡
    • Kushunnai Village 久春内村 (久春內村, Ilyinskoye)
    • Nayori Village 名寄村 (Penzenskoye)
    • Tomarioru Town 泊居町 (Tomari)

Esutoru Subprefecture 恵須取支庁 (惠須取支廳)

Subprefectural capital: Esutoru

  • Esutoru District 恵須取郡 (惠須取郡)
    • Chinnai Town 珍内町 (珍內町, Krasnogorsk)
    • Esutoru Town 恵須取町 (惠須取町, Uglegorsk)
    • Tōro Town 塔路町 (Shakhtyorsk)
    • Ushiro Village 鵜城村 (Orlovo)
  • Nayoshi District 名好郡
    • Nayoshi Town 名好町 (Lesogorskoye)
    • Nishisakutan Village 西柵丹村 (Boshnyakovo)

Shikuka Subprefecture 敷香支庁 (敷香支廳)

Subprefectural capital: Shikuka

  • Motodomari District, alternatively Mototomari 元泊郡
    • Hoyori Village 帆寄村 (Pugachevo)
    • Motodomari Village, alternatively Mototomari 元泊村 (Vostochny [ru])
    • Shirutoru Town, alternatively Shiritori 知取町 (Makarov)
  • Shikuka District, alternatively Shisuka or Shikika 敷香郡
    • Chirie Village 散江村 (Kotikovo)
    • Nairo Village 内路村 (內路村, Gastello)
    • Shikuka Town, alternatively Shisuka or Shikika 敷香町 (Poronaysk)
    • Tomarikishi Village 泊岸村 (Vakhrushev)

See also

  • (in Japanese) 樺太市町村変遷表 (Table of the transitions of municipalities of Karafuto)