Mende Kikakui (Unicode block)

Unicode character block
(2014)213 (+213) Unicode documentationCode chart ∣ Web pageNote: [1][2]
This article contains uncommon Unicode characters. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of the intended characters.

Mende Kikakui is a Unicode block containing the Kikakui characters for writing the Mende language.[3]

Mende Kikakui[1][2]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+1E80x 𞠀 𞠁 𞠂 𞠃 𞠄 𞠅 𞠆 𞠇 𞠈 𞠉 𞠊 𞠋 𞠌 𞠍 𞠎 𞠏
U+1E81x 𞠐 𞠑 𞠒 𞠓 𞠔 𞠕 𞠖 𞠗 𞠘 𞠙 𞠚 𞠛 𞠜 𞠝 𞠞 𞠟
U+1E82x 𞠠 𞠡 𞠢 𞠣 𞠤 𞠥 𞠦 𞠧 𞠨 𞠩 𞠪 𞠫 𞠬 𞠭 𞠮 𞠯
U+1E83x 𞠰 𞠱 𞠲 𞠳 𞠴 𞠵 𞠶 𞠷 𞠸 𞠹 𞠺 𞠻 𞠼 𞠽 𞠾 𞠿
U+1E84x 𞡀 𞡁 𞡂 𞡃 𞡄 𞡅 𞡆 𞡇 𞡈 𞡉 𞡊 𞡋 𞡌 𞡍 𞡎 𞡏
U+1E85x 𞡐 𞡑 𞡒 𞡓 𞡔 𞡕 𞡖 𞡗 𞡘 𞡙 𞡚 𞡛 𞡜 𞡝 𞡞 𞡟
U+1E86x 𞡠 𞡡 𞡢 𞡣 𞡤 𞡥 𞡦 𞡧 𞡨 𞡩 𞡪 𞡫 𞡬 𞡭 𞡮 𞡯
U+1E87x 𞡰 𞡱 𞡲 𞡳 𞡴 𞡵 𞡶 𞡷 𞡸 𞡹 𞡺 𞡻 𞡼 𞡽 𞡾 𞡿
U+1E88x 𞢀 𞢁 𞢂 𞢃 𞢄 𞢅 𞢆 𞢇 𞢈 𞢉 𞢊 𞢋 𞢌 𞢍 𞢎 𞢏
U+1E89x 𞢐 𞢑 𞢒 𞢓 𞢔 𞢕 𞢖 𞢗 𞢘 𞢙 𞢚 𞢛 𞢜 𞢝 𞢞 𞢟
U+1E8Ax 𞢠 𞢡 𞢢 𞢣 𞢤 𞢥 𞢦 𞢧 𞢨 𞢩 𞢪 𞢫 𞢬 𞢭 𞢮 𞢯
U+1E8Bx 𞢰 𞢱 𞢲 𞢳 𞢴 𞢵 𞢶 𞢷 𞢸 𞢹 𞢺 𞢻 𞢼 𞢽 𞢾 𞢿
U+1E8Cx 𞣀 𞣁 𞣂 𞣃 𞣄 𞣇 𞣈 𞣉 𞣊 𞣋 𞣌 𞣍 𞣎 𞣏
U+1E8Dx 𞣐 𞣑 𞣒 𞣓 𞣔 𞣕 𞣖
1.^ As of Unicode version 16.0
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Mende Kikakui block:

Version Final code points[a] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
7.0 U+1E800..1E8C4, 1E8C7..1E8D6 213 L2/10-006 N3757 Everson, Michael (2010-01-23), Preliminary proposal for encoding the Mende script
L2/10-252 N3863 Everson, Michael (2010-07-28), Proposal for encoding the Mende script in the SMP of the UCS
L2/11-301R N4133R Everson, Michael (2011-10-21), Revised proposal for encoding the Mende script
L2/12-023 N4167 Everson, Michael; Tuchscherer, Konrad (2012-01-24), Revised proposal for encoding the Mende script in the SMP of the UCS
L2/12-049 Anderson, Deborah (2012-01-29), Encoding model options for Mende numbers
L2/12-007 Moore, Lisa (2012-02-14), "C.8", UTC #130 / L2 #227 Minutes
L2/12-265 Anderson, Deborah (2012-07-20), Request for a decision on encoding model for Mende numbers
L2/12-293 N4311 Anderson, Deborah (2012-08-01), Proposal for Nine Mende Digit Characters
L2/12-239 Moore, Lisa (2012-08-14), "C.12, C.12.1", UTC #132 Minutes
N4253 (pdf, doc) "M59.11", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 59, 2012-09-12
L2/12-335 N4375 Everson, Michael (2012-10-23), Mende ad-hoc group report
L2/12-371 N4377 Suignard, Michel (2012-10-24), Disposition of comments on SC2 N 4239 (PDAM2.2 text to ISO/IEC 10646 3rd edition)
L2/12-343R2 Moore, Lisa (2012-12-04), "Consensus 133-C9", UTC #133 Minutes
N4396 Rationale for script name change from Mende to Kikakui, 2013-02-11
N4353 (pdf, doc) "M60.05c", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 60, 2013-05-23
L2/13-132 Moore, Lisa (2013-07-29), "Consensus 136-C9", UTC #136 Minutes, Approve the change of script name, block name, and the names of all characters for Kikakui to Mende Kikakui (U+1E800..U+1E8DF), for Unicode 7.0.
N4403 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2014-01-28), "Resolution M61.01", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 61, Holiday Inn, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2013-06-10/14
L2/24-065 Blondin, Louka Ménard (2024-04-16), "ID20240310104250 [Affects U+1E899 and U+1E89A]", Editorial Working Group Report and Recommendations for UTC #179 Meeting
L2/24-061 Constable, Peter (2024-04-29), "Consensus 179-C20", UTC #179 Minutes, Add two formal name aliases of type 'correction' [Affects U+1E899 and U+1E89A]
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names


  1. ^ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. ^ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  3. ^ Everson, Michael; Tuchscherer, Konrad (2012-01-24). "N4167: Revised proposal for encoding the Mende script in the SMP of the UCS" (PDF). Working Group Document, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2.