Liberal Network for Latin America

Liberal political international in Latin America
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The Liberal Network for Latin America (Spanish: Red Liberal de América Latina), (Portuguese: Rede Liberal da América Latina), abbreviated to RELIAL, is a network of 33 liberal institutions from 15 Latin American countries. Members of RELIAL include political parties as well as think tanks, foundations and research institutes. RELIAL is the regional organization of the Liberal International.

It was founded in 2003 with the official launch taking place in Costa Rica November, 2004.


Full Members

Name Country Organisation type
Fundación Libertad y Progreso  Argentina
Liberty Foundation (Fundación Libertad)  Argentina
Fundación Cívico Republicana  Argentina
Fundación Federalismo y Libertad  Argentina
Fundación Bases  Argentina
New Democracy Foundation (Fundación Nueva Democracia)  Bolivia
Instituto de Estudios Empresariais  Brazil
Fundación Libertad y Desarrollo  Chile Think tank
Fundación para el Progreso  Chile Think tank
Evópoli  Chile Political party
Asociación Nacional de Fomento Económico (ANFE)  Costa Rica
Instituto de Desarollo Empressarial y Acción Social  Costa Rica
Instituto Desarrollo Ambiente y Libertad (IDEAL Latinoamérica)  Costa Rica
Centre for Public Policy Analysis (Centro de Análisis para Políticas Públicas)  Dominican Republic
Centro Regional de Estrategias Económicas Sostenibles (CREES)  Dominican Republic
Ecuadorian Institute of Political Economy (Instituto Ecuatoriano de Economía Política)  Ecuador
Libre Razón  Ecuador
Fundación Ciudadanía y Desarrollo  Ecuador
Centro de Investigaciones Económicas Nacionales (CIEN)  Guatemala Think tank
Liberal Party of Honduras  Honduras Political party
Fundación Eléutera  Honduras
Caminos de la Libertad  Mexico
Freedom Foundation (Fundación Libertad)  Nicaragua Think and Do Tank
Citizens for Liberty  Nicaragua Political party
Freedom Foundation Panama (Fundación Libertad Panamá)  Panama
Institute for Freedom (Instituto Pro Libertad)  Peru
Instituto Manuel Oribe  Uruguay
Center for Education on Economic Knowledge (Centro de Divulgación del Conocimiento Económico)  Venezuela
Come Venezuela  Venezuela Political party

Associate Members

Name Country Organisation type
United Republicans  Argentina Political party
Students for Liberty  Brazil Student political organization
Fundación Ciudadano Austral  Chile Think tank
Libertank  Colombia Think tank
Fundación Ecuador Libre  Ecuador


  1. ^ Miembros plenos – Relial
  2. ^ Miembros adherentes – Relial
  • (in Spanish) Official website
  • (in Spanish) Hispanic American Liberal Conference CLH official site
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Member parties of international liberal organisations
  • Andorra: LA
  • Belgium: MR, VLD
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: LDS*
  • Botswana: BMD*
  • Bulgaria: DPS, NDSV
  • Burkina Faso: ADF-RDA*
  • Burma: NLD-LA*
  • Burundi: ADR
  • Cambodia: PSR
  • Canada: Liberal Party
  • Colombia: U*
  • DR Congo: ANADER, ARC*, URC*
  • Costa Rica: PML
  • Côte d'Ivoire: RDR
  • Croatia: HSLS
  • Cuba: PLC, PSD, ULC
  • Denmark: RV, Venstre
  • Egypt: FEP, Ghad*
  • Equatorial Guinea: UDENA
  • Estonia: RE
  • Ethiopia: EDP*
  • Finland: Keskusta, SFP
  • Georgia: RPG*
  • Germany: FDP
  • Gibraltar: Liberal Party
  • Guatemala: MR*, PP
  • Guinea: UFDG*, UFR*
  • Honduras: PLH
  • Hungary: MLP
  • Iceland: FSF
  • Indonesia: PD*
  • Ireland: FF*
  • Israel: Yesh Atid
  • Italy: Rad, FdL*
  • Kenya: LDP*
  • Kosovo: PLK*
  • Latvia: LPP/LC
  • Lebanon: Future Movement*
  • Lithuania: LCU
  • Luxembourg: DP
  • Madagascar: MFM*
  • Malawi: UDF
  • Malaysia: Gerakan*
  • Mali: PCR*
  • Mexico: NA*
  • Moldova: PRL*
  • Mongolia: IZN
  • Montenegro: LSCG
  • Morocco: AdL*, UC, MP
  • Mozambique: PPDD*
  • Netherlands: D66 , VVD
  • Nicaragua: PLI*
  • North Macedonia: LDP
  • Norway: Venstre
  • Paraguay: PLRA
  • Philippines: LP
  • Romania: PNL
  • Russia: Yabloko
  • Senegal: PDS
  • Serbia: LDP
  • Seychelles: SNP*
  • Slovakia: ANO
  • Slovenia: LDS
  • South Africa: DA
  • Spain: CDC
  • Sri Lanka: LP
  • Sweden: C, L
  • Switzerland: FDP.The Liberals
  • Taiwan: DPP
  • Tanzania: CCW/CUF
  • Thailand: DP
  • Ukraine: UM*
  • United Kingdom: APNI, Lib Dems
  • Zambia: UNDP*

National groups:

  • Brazilian Group*
  • German Group
  • Israeli Group
  • Netherlands Group
  • Catalan Group
  • British Group

* observer

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Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party
European Parliament group: Renew Europe
Member parties (EU)
Member parties (non-EU)
Party Presidents
European Parliament
Group Presidents
European Commissioners
Heads of government
at the European Council
Affiliated organisations
  • Category
  • Cambodia: PSR
  • Hong Kong: DP (represented through two individual members)
  • Indonesia: PDI-P, PKB**
  • Japan: DPJ**
  • Malaysia: PGRM
  • Mongolia: IZN
  • Myanmar: NCUB
  • Pakistan: LFP*
  • Philippines: LP
  • Singapore: SDP
  • Sri Lanka: LP
  • ROC Taiwan: DPP
  • Thailand: DP

*associate member **observer

  • Angola: PLD
  • Burkina Faso: ADF-RDA
  • DR Congo: ANADER
  • Côte d'Ivoire: RDR
  • Equatorial Guinea: UDENA
  • Madagascar: MFM
  • Malawi: UDF
  • Morocco: MP, UC
  • Mozambique: PDD
  • Senegal: PDS
  • Seychelles: SNP
  • South Africa: DA
  • Tanzania: CUF, UDP
  • Tunisia: PSL
  • Zambia: UNDP
Liberal Network for Latin America
  • Argentina: Recrear, PPG
  • Costa Rica: PML
  • Guatemala: MR
  • Mexico: NA
  • Peru: JN
  • Comoros: NAC
  • Egypt: DFP, FEP, GTP
  • Lebanon: NLP, FM
  • Morocco: MP, UC
  • Sudan: LDP
  • Tunisia: PR