Eight Views of Taiwan

Taroko Gorge

The Eight Views of Taiwan (Chinese: 臺灣八景) have been variously defined throughout Taiwan's history.[citation needed]

Qing Dynasty

Under Japanese occupation

In 1927 (during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan), the newspaper Taiwan Nichinichi Shimpō (Japanese: 臺灣日日新報) elected the Eight Views of Taiwan according to its readers' votes as:

  • Rising Sun Hill (旭岡), now Sun Yat-sen Park, Keelung
  • Tamsui
  • Eight Immortals Mountain
  • Sun Moon Lake
  • Alishan
  • Monkey Mountain
  • Cape Eluanbi
  • Taroko

Republic of China

After the retrocession of Taiwan to the Republic of China, the Taiwan Provincial Government defined the Eight Views of Taiwan in 1953 as follows:

  • Sun Moon Lake
  • Yushan
  • Fort Zeelandia
  • Alishan
  • Yangmingshan
  • Taroko
  • Qingshui Cliff
  • Penghu Islands

In 2005, an updated version of the Eight Views of Taiwan was published by the ROC Ministry of Transportation and Communications:


See also