Bass–Quillen conjecture

Would relate vector bundles over a regular Noetherian ring and over a polynomial ring

In mathematics, the Bass–Quillen conjecture relates vector bundles over a regular Noetherian ring A and over the polynomial ring A [ t 1 , , t n ] {\displaystyle A[t_{1},\dots ,t_{n}]} . The conjecture is named for Hyman Bass and Daniel Quillen, who formulated the conjecture.[1][2]

Statement of the conjecture

The conjecture is a statement about finitely generated projective modules. Such modules are also referred to as vector bundles. For a ring A, the set of isomorphism classes of vector bundles over A of rank r is denoted by Vect r A {\displaystyle \operatorname {Vect} _{r}A} .

The conjecture asserts that for a regular Noetherian ring A the assignment

M M A A [ t 1 , , t n ] {\displaystyle M\mapsto M\otimes _{A}A[t_{1},\dots ,t_{n}]}

yields a bijection

Vect r A Vect r ( A [ t 1 , , t n ] ) . {\displaystyle \operatorname {Vect} _{r}A\,{\stackrel {\sim }{\to }}\operatorname {Vect} _{r}(A[t_{1},\dots ,t_{n}]).}

Known cases

If A = k is a field, the Bass–Quillen conjecture asserts that any projective module over k [ t 1 , , t n ] {\displaystyle k[t_{1},\dots ,t_{n}]} is free. This question was raised by Jean-Pierre Serre and was later proved by Quillen and Suslin; see Quillen–Suslin theorem. More generally, the conjecture was shown by Lindel (1981) in the case that A is a smooth algebra over a field k. Further known cases are reviewed in Lam (2006).


The set of isomorphism classes of vector bundles of rank r over A can also be identified with the nonabelian cohomology group

H N i s 1 ( S p e c ( A ) , G L r ) . {\displaystyle H_{Nis}^{1}(Spec(A),GL_{r}).}

Positive results about the homotopy invariance of

H N i s 1 ( U , G ) {\displaystyle H_{Nis}^{1}(U,G)}

of isotropic reductive groups G have been obtained by Asok, Hoyois & Wendt (2018) by means of A1 homotopy theory.


  1. ^ Bass, H. (1973), Some problems in 'classical' algebraic K-theory. Algebraic K-Theory II, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag, Section 4.1
  2. ^ Quillen, D. (1976), "Projective modules over polynomial rings", Invent. Math., 36: 167–171, Bibcode:1976InMat..36..167Q, doi:10.1007/bf01390008, S2CID 119678534
  • Asok, Aravind; Hoyois, Marc; Wendt, Matthias (2018), "Affine representability results in A^1-homotopy theory II: principal bundles and homogeneous spaces", Geom. Topol., 22 (2): 1181–1225, arXiv:1507.08020, doi:10.2140/gt.2018.22.1181, S2CID 119137937, Zbl 1400.14061
  • Lindel, H. (1981), "On the Bass–Quillen conjecture concerning projective modules over polynomial rings", Invent. Math., 65 (2): 319–323, Bibcode:1981InMat..65..319L, doi:10.1007/bf01389017, S2CID 120337628
  • Lam, T. Y. (2006), Serre's problem on projective modules, Berlin: Springer, ISBN 3-540-23317-2, Zbl 1101.13001