أسماء بديلة TREM2, TREM-2, Trem2a, Trem2b, Trem2c, triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2, PLOSL2
معرفات خارجية الوراثة المندلية البشرية عبر الإنترنت 605086 MGI: MGI:1913150 HomoloGene: 10352 GeneCards: 54209
علم الوجود الجيني
وظائف جزيئية

scaffold protein binding
lipopolysaccharide binding
lipoteichoic acid binding
peptidoglycan binding
phospholipid binding
signaling receptor activity
amyloid-beta binding
high-density lipoprotein particle binding
lipid binding
low-density lipoprotein particle binding
apolipoprotein binding
apolipoprotein A-I binding
very-low-density lipoprotein particle binding
‏GO:0032403 protein-containing complex binding
lipoprotein particle binding
protein tyrosine kinase binding
‏GO:0001948، ‏GO:0016582 ربط بروتيني

مكونات خلوية

مكون تكاملي للغشاء
الفراغ خارج الخلية
غشاء خلوي
integral component of plasma membrane
intrinsic component of plasma membrane

عمليات حيوية

dendritic cell differentiation
positive regulation of CD40 signaling pathway
positive regulation of calcium-mediated signaling
positive regulation of C-C chemokine receptor CCR7 signaling pathway
phagocytosis, engulfment
detection of peptidoglycan
humoral immune response
cellular response to lipoteichoic acid
positive regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane
regulation of immune response
positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation
detection of lipoteichoic acid
مناعة فطرية
detection of lipopolysaccharide
cellular response to peptidoglycan
positive regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class II
positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade
‏GO:0072468 توصيل الإشارة
osteoclast differentiation
positive regulation of macrophage fusion
positive regulation of amyloid-beta clearance
positive regulation of protein phosphorylation
تنظيم التعبير الجيني
negative regulation of autophagy
‏GO:1901313 positive regulation of gene expression
positive regulation of mitochondrion organization
regulation of TOR signaling
positive regulation of TOR signaling
regulation of interleukin-6 production
regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation
positive regulation of chemotaxis
regulation of resting membrane potential
positive regulation of astrocyte activation
regulation of macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha production
import into cell
regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization
positive regulation of proteasomal protein catabolic process
positive regulation of inward rectifier potassium channel activity
regulation of intracellular signal transduction
positive regulation of microglial cell activation
negative regulation of autophagic cell death
positive regulation of microglial cell migration
cellular response to amyloid-beta
positive regulation of CAMKK-AMPK signaling cascade
positive regulation of ATP biosynthetic process
apoptotic cell clearance
positive regulation of protein secretion
microglial cell activation
response to ischemia
negative regulation of interleukin-1 beta production
negative regulation of tumor necrosis factor production
positive regulation of interleukin-10 production
negative regulation of apoptotic process
positive regulation of osteoclast differentiation
positive regulation of NIK/NF-kappaB signaling
microglial cell activation involved in immune response
defense response to bacterium
regulation of innate immune response
positive regulation of phagocytosis, engulfment
microglial cell proliferation
amyloid-beta clearance
complement-mediated synapse pruning
neuroinflammatory response
positive regulation of neuroinflammatory response
positive regulation of engulfment of apoptotic cell

المصادر:Amigo / QuickGO
نمط التعبير عن الحمض النووي الريبوزي
المزيد من بيانات التعبير المرجعية
تماثلات متسلسلة
أنواع الإنسان الفأر
أنتريه 54209 83433
Ensembl ENSG00000095970 ENSMUSG00000023992



RefSeq (رنا مرسال.)

‏NM_018965 NM_001271821، ‏NM_018965

‏NM_031254 NM_001272078، ‏NM_031254

RefSeq (بروتين)

‏NP_061838 NP_001258750، ‏NP_061838

‏NP_112544 NP_001259007، ‏NP_112544

الموقع (UCSC n/a Chr 17: 48.65 – 48.66 Mb
بحث ببمد [1] [2]
ويكي بيانات
اعرض/عدّل إنساناعرض/عدّل فأر

TREM2 (اختصارًا لاسم Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2) هو بروتين في البشر يُشفر عبر جين TREM2.[1][2][3]


  1. ^ Bouchon A، Dietrich J، Colonna M (مايو 2000). "Cutting edge: inflammatory responses can be triggered by TREM-1, a novel receptor expressed on neutrophils and monocytes". Journal of Immunology. ج. 164 ع. 10: 4991–5. DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.164.10.4991. PMID:10799849.
  2. ^ Paloneva J، Manninen T، Christman G، Hovanes K، Mandelin J، Adolfsson R، Bianchin M، Bird T، Miranda R، Salmaggi A، Tranebjaerg L، Konttinen Y، Peltonen L (سبتمبر 2002). "Mutations in two genes encoding different subunits of a receptor signaling complex result in an identical disease phenotype". American Journal of Human Genetics. ج. 71 ع. 3: 656–62. DOI:10.1086/342259. PMC:379202. PMID:12080485.
  3. ^ "Entrez Gene: TREM2 triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2010-03-07.
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